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Type: Report
These Informs are shorter than the studies and gather information from the different National Contact Point of the EMN through specific queries about a concrete topic.
Migration diplomacy: An analysis of policy approaches and instruments
This EMN-OECD inform explores the theme of migration diplomacy, focusing on the use of diplomatic tools, processes and procedures with third countries to manage international migration. It analyses the policy approaches and instruments in migration diplomacy efforts applied by EMN Member and Observer Countries, as well as selected examples from OECD countries outside the EU. While previous EMN publications have focused on issue-specific aspects, such as bilateral readmission agreements and mobility partnerships (MPs), this inform takes a more comprehensive look at broader policy approaches and instruments in migration diplomacy.
Governing the accommodation of international protection applicants.
This inform provides insights into the governance and processes of accommodation for applicants for international protection in EMN Member and Observer Countries. Despite extensive research on governance principles, little has been done to understand these in the complex context of accommodation for applicants for international protection. The inform maps and analyses the governance structures, processes, and mechanisms for accommodation for applicants for international protection in EMN Member and Observer Countries. It focuses exclusively on accommodation for applicants for international protection, excluding beneficiaries of temporary protection (BoTP), resettled refugees, and other material reception conditions, such as food and clothing.
Processing the biometric data of third-country nationals
This inform examines current national legislation and practices for the collection and processing of biometric data of third-country nationals in 24 EMN Member Countries and of foreign migrants in three Observer Countries, in accordance with the requirements of national and European law. It addresses the legal framework on data protection, including the General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Law Enforcement Directive, and the Regulations on large-scale information technology systems for freedom, security and justice. It also addresses the applicable legal framework on fundamental rights, including the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, European Court of Human Rights case-law on biometric data, and the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data. The inform focuses on the collection and processing of biometric data in all areas of migration management Data collection revealed that data collected in migration processes were in some cases also used for a secondary purpose in relation to law enforcement. Biometric data is defined as personal data resulting from specific technical processing relating to the physical, physiological or behavioural characteristics of a natural person, which allow or confirm the unique identification of that natural person, such as facial images or dactyloscopic data. The inform covers the collection of biometric data in migration process, the initial purpose of collecting those data, storage, processing for purposes other than the initial purpose, and international transfer of biometric data.
Labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine
The latest report of the European Migration Network (EMN) focuses on the labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine in EMN member and observer countries. This report provides an analysis of employment trends, policy priorities and measures to facilitate the integration of displaced persons from Ukraine into the labour market of host countries.
Resettlement, Humanitarian admission and community sponsorship programmes
This inform provides up-to-date and comparative data on resettlement, humanitarian admission and sponsorship schemes. It presents recent developments in EMN Member Countries between 2016 to 2022 and offers a valuable resource for countries launching new programmes to learn from established programmes in other countries. Moreover, it aims to complement and enhance other knowledge-sharing initiatives in the field.
Statelessness in the European Union, Norway and Georgia
Third version of the EMN Statelessness inform.
Statelessness is a global phenomenon, preventing those concerned from accessing fundamental human, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. Marginalisation and discrimination are frequent consequences.
Implications for affected individuals, particularly with regard to work, education, healthcare and social aid.
Accompanied children’s right to be heard in international protection procedures
This inform provides an overview of the implementation of the right of accompanied children to be heard in international protection procedures and presents their chal lenges, good practices and lessons learnt in guaranteeing that right.
Prospects for displaced persons in non-EU first reception and transit countries:
This inform provides an overview of the strategies and initiatives put in place by the European Migration Network (EMN) Member Countries to enhance the prospects of displaced populations in non-European Union (EU) first reception and transit countries. It also identifies good practices that could serve as a starting point to develop or improve sustainable support initiatives.
Organising flexible housing in the context of international protection
This inform aims to present information that can support policy makers to better organise their respective reception systems, in a flexible manner, whilst anticipating further changing inflows in the future. It also aims to inform the public, particularly as housing of applicants for international protection is a frequent topic of public and political debate.
Migration and development cooperation
The migration-development nexus is increasingly important at EU and international level, yet a general mapping of national policies and programmes/initiatives remains largely absent. This inform presents an overview of national initiatives in EMN Member Countries and Serbia implementing the migration-development nexus:
- At strategic and regulatory level: looking at whether and how the link between migration and development is embedded in the institutional structure and policy strategies of EMN Member and Observer Countries; and how the different migration and development authorities and other relevant stakeholders cooperate at national level
- At operational level: providing an overview of how EMN Member and Observer Countries have operationalised the migration-development nexus; exploring
The main sources of funding used; target groups and cooperation with different partners; and how results and impacts are measured.