
Annually, the EMN prepares several thematic studies that provide a comparative analysis of relevant issues related to migration and asylum. These studies follow a specific template and involve a comprehensive review about very concrete topics, drawing conclusions about the different policies and good practices implemented in each Member State.

In this section you can find:

  • The National Study with the answers of Spain to each question envisaged in the Study.
  • The complete Study that compiles all Member States’ contributions.
  • A Synthesis Report that analyses the content of the Study.
  • A Flash with the main conclusions of the Study.

Comparative overview of national protection statuses in the EU and Norway

Comparative overview of national protection statuses in the EU and Norway

This study provides a summary of the different national status granted by the Member States and Norway to address a need not covered in the Directive 2011/95/EU, which stablishes rules regarding the requirements to grant international protection to third country nationals or stateless persons. The report includes an overview of national status granted by particular protection grounds, reviewing the conditions and rights associated with each.

Study 2019

Protection of children in migration in the UE and Norway

Protection of children in migration in the UE and Norway

This EMN report maps the progress made by EU Member States and Norway in 2020 in implementing the measures recommended in the European Commission's 2017 Communication on the protection of migrant children, with a particular focus on progress made in implementing its recommendations. The 2017 Communication sets out actions to strengthen the protection of all third-country national migrant children at all stages of migration to and within the EU, at national and EU level. This is the second report in this series developed by the EMN and builds on the previous report covering the period up to 2019.

Study 2022

Ways to obtain citizenship for third-country nationals in the EU and Norway

Ways to obtain citizenship for third-country nationals in the EU and Norway

The study provides a comparative overview of the frameworks in place across the Member States of the European Union (EU) for access to national citizenship for new migrants from third countries, through naturalisation. Its scope gives priority to the acquisition of national citizenship through ordinary naturalisation for new migrants, i.e. third-country nationals who do not have pre-existing ties with the Member State, and does not include the situation of the second and third generation (i.e. individuals born in and residing in a country that at least one of their parents or grandparents previously entered as a migrant).

Study 2019

Beneficiaries of International protection in Spain travelling to their country of origin

Beneficiaries of International protection in Spain travelling to their country of origin

The study aims to offer a comparative overview of Member States, Norway and Switzerland’s experiences and existing practices regarding the cessation of international protection for individuals who travel to or contact the authorities of their country of origin

Study 2018

Labour Market Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU Member States

Labour Market Integration of Third Country Nationals in the EU Member States

This study presents the main findings on labour market integration of third-country nationals in EU Member States. The study focusses on the socio-economic dimension, examining the different labour market integration measures for legally staying third-country nationals with the right to work in the EU.

Study 2018

Attracting and retaining international students in the EU

Attracting and retaining international students in the EU

The Study explores the national policies and practices in Member States to attract and retain third-country national students, admission conditions in place in the Member States and the extent to which those conditions facilitated the attraction and retention of international students. In light of the transposition of the Students and Researchers Directive, the Study also aimed to capture the way in which Member States transposed the relevant provisions of this Directive, with regard to international students.

Study 2018

Impact of Visa liberalisation on countries of destination

Impact of Visa liberalisation on countries of destination

This report offers a comparative overview of the experience of European Union (EU) Member States and Norway as visa liberalisation has been rolled out for eight countries: Albania (AL), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA), Montenegro (ME), Serbia (RS), Republic of North Macedonia (MK), Georgia (GE), Republic of Moldova (MD) and Ukraine (UA).

Study 2018