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Type: Study
Annually, the EMN prepares several thematic studies that provide a comparative analysis of relevant issues related to migration and asylum. These studies follow a specific template and involve a comprehensive review about very concrete topics, drawing conclusions about the different policies and good practices implemented in each Member State.
In this section you can find:
- The National Study with the answers of Spain to each question envisaged in the Study.
- The complete Study that compiles all Member States’ contributions.
- A Synthesis Report that analyses the content of the Study.
- A Flash with the main conclusions of the Study.
The integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market.
The overall aim of the study is to inform the target audience (e.g. practitioners, policy officers, decision makers at both EU and national level, including the European Commission and the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), academic researchers, civil society organisations and the general public) on the labour market access of applicants for international protection, identifying existing laws, policies and measures regarding the labour market integration of applicants, good practices and challenges in the period of January 2017- June 2022.
Integration of migrant women in the eu: policies and measures
The aim of this study is consider the distinct situation of migrant women in their integration policies and measures. In order to provide information that will support policymakers developing integration policies and measures that better support migrant women in their integration process, taking their respective backgrounds into account. An overview will be provided of research and statistics available at the national level on the integration opportunities and challenges of migrant women.
Third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings: detection, identification and protection
This study concerns the detection, identification and protection of victims of trafficking in human beings who are third-country nationals. It has been drawn up on the basis of national contributions from the National Contact Points of the European Migration Network, Norway and Georgia. It sets out the applicable legislation as well as the cooperation mechanisms of the different European actors and the challenges and good practices identified regarding the impact of Covid-19.
Protection of children in migration in the UE and Norway
This EMN report maps the progress made by EU Member States and Norway in 2020 in implementing the measures recommended in the European Commission's 2017 Communication on the protection of migrant children, with a particular focus on progress made in implementing its recommendations. The 2017 Communication sets out actions to strengthen the protection of all third-country national migrant children at all stages of migration to and within the EU, at national and EU level. This is the second report in this series developed by the EMN and builds on the previous report covering the period up to 2019.
Protection of children in migration in the UE and Norway
This EMN Report maps the progress made by Member States in implementing the recommended actions laid down in the 2017 Communication on the protection of children in migration.The 2017 Communication sets out actions to reinforce the protection of all third-country national migrant children at all stages of migration to and within the EU, at EU and national levels.
Responses to long-term irregular staying migrants: practices and challenges in the EU and Norway
This study aims to provide an overview of existing policies and practices in the EU Member States and Norway towards third-country nationals in a prolonged situation of irregular stay. The overall focus is on those third-country nationals subject to a return decision but whose return was not enforced or was postponed, and those without a return decision who are unknown to the authorities.
Attracting and protecting the rights of seasonal workers in the EU and UK
The objective of this study is to provide information on the different measures taken by the Member States and Norway in relation to the regulations and implementation of seasonal workers’ admission in the framework of the Directive 2014/34/EU of February 26, 2014, on the conditions of entry and stay of third-country nationals for the purpose of employment as seasonal workers.
Data processing in asylum procedures in the EU and Norway.
This study examines how data are managed in the different phases of the asylum procedure (making, registering, lodging and examining) across the Member States and Norway. It maps data management approaches in the asylum procedure (i.e. data protection and safeguards), examines challenges faced by Member States, and analyses the impact of any procedural changes to enhance data-sharing among asylum authorities (and others).
Detention and Alternatives to detention in international protection and return procedures
This study aims to identify similarities, differences, practical challenges and best practices concerning the use of detention and alternatives used by Member States and Norway in the framework of international protection and return procedures
Migratory pathways for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs in the EU
The study provides a comparison of the different policies and practices adopted by the Member States and Norway for the admission of start-ups and entrepreneurs from third countries. The Study identifies a wide variety of policy measures and factors for attracting and retaining start-up founders and innovative entrepreneurs from third countries.