Destination Europe: get to know the interactive educational tool on migration and integration

Destination Europe is an interactive educational tool on migration and integration which stimulates young people’s awareness and critical thinking. Based on role play, it promotes debate and learning on some of the most current issues in today’s Europe. It was developed by migration experts from various European countries joined in the European Migration Network

Destination Europe is designed for 4-6 players over the age of 16. For 90 minutes, they will experience decision-making about migration as a complex process involving different actors with sometimes conflicting interests.

They will experience the complexity of migration decision-making at different levels: EU, national and local.

They will know the positions and interests of the different actors: EU and national policy makers, civil society, employers, immigrant associations and different sectors of EU public opinion.

Consider the possible impact of migration and integration policies on different groups of migrants: asylum seekers and refugees, irregular migrants, labour migrants.

They will develop 21st century skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, communication and leadership.  

Educators and trainers will obtain an innovative learning and training tool that teaches and sensitises on a politically and socially relevant topic.

More ABOUT THE LEARNING TOOL - Destination europe (EMN Luxembourg) (